Let me introduce myself!
Hope to meet you soon…
are the three pillars my work is built on
To bring you into your potential so you can GLOW
I have come to an understanding that self confidence comes from self knowledge. Through my struggles and peaceful episodes of my life I was able to generate a deep connection to me, my needs, values and strengths and how to express them to the world.
Digging out my purpose was necessary to overcome my limitations and see with clarity how I want to design my life.
I have established healthy routines for self-care and self-love and from that place I intend to generate a spark of empowerment to others. In my role as a coach or/and creative designer I am helping others to shine again and create their positive and unique impact to this world.
I give you the safe space you need to gain new insights and perspectives so you can create what you need to maximise your own purpose.
When you step into that purpose you will GLOW and you will know and feel when this is true for you.

What I bring to the table
- 2022 to now - Self-employed Life Coach & Visuals Designer for Brand Identities to bring your unique power into this world and create an impact.
- 2010 to now - Graphic Designer, Marketing Coordinator of all social media channels with special focus on visual brand identities in small, middle and large companies
- 2021 to 2022 - certified Life Coach (DBCA) from the pioneer of coaching Dr. Bock Coaching Academy - Learning to coach masterfully
- 2010 to 2014 - Multimedia Designer and Web Developer
Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world.
Oprah Winfrey

Hi, I am Janne
- I love water, waves and wind
- I love deep talks and connections
- I am highly sensitive towards energies
- I have a strong sense of justice
- I'm very playful and creative in everything I do
- I love to travel and expand my inner and outer world
- I have a rebellious heart that wants to make the world a better place
- I am a ENFP-A campaigner personality who is independent and creative, always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life.
- I speak danish, german and english fluently.
- I have a german passport and Denmark in my heart
Passions my heart melts and lives for