Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

– Mark Twain –

From Coach to Coach Masterpiece

Projects which touches your heart

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Do not leave your digital identity to chance!

...imagine if you feel joy and confidence with your digital presence?

To connect and be enthusiastic about your brand identity is important in a trust related business like coaching! 


You are a powerful creator of your future when your values, beliefs and energies are shining through!

A powerful team is unstoppable

from coach to coach

Hand in hand we
co-create your brand

A digital brand is versatile and so are my services for you

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Logo Design


Website Design


Business Cards


Workbook Design


Social Media


Basic Materials

Let's get in touch

How can I help you in the best way?

Who accompanies you

What do my clients say

Coaching & visuals

Janne creates a wonderfully open atmosphere in her coaching. It feels like a normal conversation. She listens very carefully and at the same time gives me the feeling that she immediately understands what moves me.

You just have to like Janne's questions - each one is well thought out and formulated clearly and sympathetically. She accompanies the way to the respective answers professionally and with interest.

Janne works with empathy and always offers enough space for the process. I can just recommend her!
Gundula Scheidig
Dipl. Musikpädagogin, zertifizierte FELDENKRAIS®-Pädagogin und Coach
After some bad experiences I was looking for someone competent and reliable to create my new website in a timely manner. Janne Hauss was finally able to provide all I had been searching for - and so much more! In an instant she understood what my concern was and what my website is supposed to represent and to express. With a lot of creativity and an eye for the details she translated this into a design that fits me very well.

At the same time Janne provided me with all necessary tools and information to enable me to update my website by myself in the future.
I could not be any happier!
Christiane Foerster
Certified Stress Coach, Trainer, Mentor & Speaker